Toscana Studio and Gallery Art Classes Tucson & Oro Valley AZ

Fine Art and Art Classes for Kids and Adults

Kids Summer Art Camp

Kids Summer Art Camp 2025


It’s Summer! Time for Toscana Studio’s Kids Summer Art Camp.

  • For kids grades 2nd – 12th.
  • Held from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m, Tuesday through Friday.
  • With the exception of the Learn To Sew An Outfit camp, each camp is $290.00 for the 4-day session. All materials are included in the camp cost.
  • We will hold an art show at 4:15 p.m. on the final day of each week.
  • All camps are multi-ages, small classes which allows for much individual instruction and attention.
  • In this, our twentieth year, Toscana Studio is offering Camps in a wide variety of media: Sculpt In Clay, Glass Mosaics, Oil Painting, Drawing, Sew A Stuffed Animal, and our 5-day camp: Learn To Sew An Outfit.
  • All will be taught by Linda Ahearn, with interns’ help.

Camp Sessions Schedule

With the exception of Learn To Sew An Outfit, all sessions are held 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. All other sessions are Tuesday – Friday.

Session One

June 3-6
Grades 2-12
Glass and Tile Mosaics

Session Two

June 10-13
Grades 2-12
Sculpt in Clay

Session Three

June 17-20
Grades 2-12
Sculpt in Clay

Session Four

June 24-27
Grades 5-12
Drawing From Life

Session Five

July 8-11
Grades 5-12
Oil Painting

Session Six

July 15-18
Grades 5-12
Oil Painting

Session Seven

July 22-25
Grades 2-12
Sew a Stuffed Animal


Final Session
(The 5-Day Camp)

July 28-Aug 1
Grades 5-12
Learn to Sew an Outfit

Glass Mosaics   In this popular camp, you’ll learn to design and create spectacular colorful glass mosaics using multiple types of glass and tiles.  (more…)

  • Glass and Tile Mosaics Session 1 Grades 2-12
     June 3, 2025 - June 6, 2025
     12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Sculpt in Clay Learn to create a three dimensional sculpture in clay. With water based clay, you can create anything such as animals, nature, your favorite characters and more! Let your imagination run wild! (more…)

  • Sculpt In Clay Session 2 Grades 2-12
     June 10, 2025 - June 13, 2025
     12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
  • Sculpt In Clay Session 3 Grades 2-12
     June 17, 2025 - June 20, 2025
     12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Drawing From Life and Photos   Learn the basic techniques to draw from life and photos.  Using graphite and charcoal, students will strengthen their observation skills while learning (more…)

  • Drawing From Life Session 4 Grades 5-12
     June 24, 2025 - June 27, 2025
     12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Oil Painting In this fun camp, learn to oil paint from still life for the first two days and select a portrait, animal, or landscape for the second two days.  (more…)

  • Oil Painting Session 5 Grades 5-12
     July 8, 2025 - July 11, 2025
     12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
  • Oil Painting Session 6 Grades 5-12
     July 15, 2025 - July 18, 2025
     12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Learn To Sew A Stuffie (Plush Doll or Animal)   It’s back this year! Design your own unique doll or stuffed animal, choose from a multitude of fabrics, use or design your pattern, pin and cut out. Learn how to work a sewing machine to assemble the pieces together and by the end of the (more…)

  • Sew a Stuffed Animal Session 7 Grades 5-12
     July 22, 2025 - July 25, 2025
     12:30 pm - 4:30 pm

  Learn To Sew an Outfit Five (5) Day Camp This is a beginning sewing class for girls and boys ages 6th grade and up. Learn how to sew a dress, skirt, bag, beanie/hat, vest, or sweat pants/shorts and/or pajama bottoms. (more…)

  • Sewing an Outfit Camp Grades 6-12
     July 28, 2025 - August 1, 2025
     12:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Thank you for entrusting us to safely engage your child in a creative and fun art experience at Toscana Studio!

Hardcopy Registration

If you want to register on paper, then come to the studio and pay in person, please click the button for the hardcopy form.