Terms and Conditions
Summer Camp 2025 – Terms and Conditions
Cancellation Policy:
A session reservation may be cancelled up to one week before the session. A $25.00 cancellation fee will be deducted and within one week the remaining balance will be refunded via the channel it was paid. An e-mail cancellation notice must be sent to Toscana before the cancellation dates, and no refunds will be given after the cancellation dates. You may use our website’s contact form, too, to cancel the session participation.
If Toscana Studio and Gallery cancels a session for any reason, a full refund will be given within one week via the channel it was paid, or if requested applied to a future session.
Medical Release: applies only to classes held in-studio or at Toscana’s address
In case of accident or serious illness, I request that I/we be contacted. I/we hereby give permission for emergency medical treatment. I/we agree to assume all costs related to such treatment. I/we hereby waive and release Toscana Studio and Gallery staff, teachers, and volunteers from and against all claims and medical legal costs associated with my child’s program participation.
Pricing: Art supplies for each camp are included in that session’s price.
Note: If a child under 13 has provided personal information to us without parental or guardian consent, we encourage the child’s parent or guardian to contact us to have the information removed from our systems. If you are under the age of 13, do not provide us with any personal information; it must come from your parent, grandparent or guardian.
Please use the back arrow to return to your registration without losing any information.
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Kids After School Art Classes 2024-25
Cancellation policy: An e-mail cancellation notice must be sent to Toscana at least one week prior to the start date for a refund. There will be no refunds on classes cancelled later than one week prior to the start date. You may use our website’s contact form, too, to cancel the class. A $25.00 cancellation fee will be deducted and within one week the remaining balance will be refunded via the channel it was paid.
If Toscana Studio and Gallery cancels a class for any reason, a full refund will be given within one week via the channel it was paid, or if requested applied to a future class.
Make-up for missed class times: There will be only one make-up class allowed. All other missed classes will be forfeited. As of January 2022 we have been enforcing our Attendance Policy.
Pricing: Art supplies for each Kids’ class are included in the class’ price. Note: some sewing projects will require an additional fee, depending on what the child chooses to sew.
2024-25 Medical Release: applies only to classes held in-studio or at Toscana’s address. While we follow CDC guidelines and maintain superior sanitation, providing masks and hand sanitizer, you agree that your child paints at the studio at your own risk.
In case of accident or serious illness, I request that I/we be contacted. I/we hereby give permission for emergency medical treatment. I/we agree to assume all costs related to such treatment. I/we hereby waive and release Toscana Studio and Gallery staff, teachers, and volunteers from and against all claims and medical legal costs associated with my child’s program participation.
Note: If a child under 13 has provided personal information to us without parental or guardian consent, we encourage the child’s parent or guardian to contact us to have the information removed from our systems. If you are under the age of 13, do not provide us with any personal information; it must come from your parent, grandparent or guardian.
Please use the back arrow to return to your registration without losing any information.
If you wish to return to your cart instead, please click the blue button.
If you didn’t come from a cart, please click the green button.
Adult Art Classes – Terms and Conditions
Cancellation policy: An e-mail cancellation notice must be sent to Toscana at least one week prior to the start date for a refund. There will be no refunds on classes cancelled later than one week prior to the start date. You may use our website’s contact form, too, to cancel the class. A $25.00 cancellation fee will be deducted and within one week the remaining balance will be refunded via the channel it was paid.
If Toscana Studio and Gallery cancels a class for any reason, a full refund will be given within one week via the channel it was paid, or if requested applied to a future class.
Make-up for missed class times: There will be only one make-up class allowed. All other missed classes will be forfeited. As of January 2022 we have been enforcing our Attendance Policy.
Pricing: Unless specifically stated, art supplies for each class are NOT included in the class’ price.
2024-25 Medical Release: applies only to classes held in-studio or at Toscana’s address While we follow CDC guidelines and maintain superior sanitation, providing masks and hand sanitizer, you agree that you paint at the studio at your own risk.
In case of accident or serious illness, I hereby give permission for emergency medical treatment. I agree to assume all costs related to such treatment. I/we hereby waive and release Toscana Studio and Gallery staff, teachers, and volunteers from and against all claims and medical legal costs associated with my program participation.
Please use the back arrow to return to your registration without losing any information.
If you wish to return to your cart instead, please click the blue button.
If you didn’t come from a cart, please click the green button.
Attendance Policy
Last Updated: August 22, 2022
Attendance policy for all weekly classes (adult and after school or Saturdays classes) enforced effective January 1, 2022.
As we have waiting lists to get into these classes, a registered student is allowed to make up ONE missed class per six week registration. Additional missed classes will be forfeited. All six classes must be used within a seven week period subject to studio hours and holidays.
We can no longer allow a student to miss multiple classes and then ask to redeem them weeks, even months later. Once a 6-week class has been purchased you have reserved that spot and if you are not able to attend, you still have that spot in the class. If you choose not to sign up for another 6-week class, it will be offered to someone on the waiting list.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Linda Ahearn
Privacy Policy
Last Updated: July 01, 2023
We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it. This Privacy Policy describes the types of information we may collect from you when you visit our website, access our services, participate in our programs, or otherwise interact with us. It also describes how we use and disclose the information we collect, how we protect information from unauthorized use or disclosure, and the choices you have regarding our collection and use of such information.
Browser Cookies
When you visit our website, your browser will add a cookie, or a record of your visit. If you return to our site without clearing your browser history, the site will load more quickly the second time. Cookies are added automatically by browsers; you can adjust your setting to not allow, but you may be locking yourself out of sites if you choose to do so.
Browser History
Google Analytics now tracks your activity. Google collects more activity details that Toscana will not use in its statistics for updated tags and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You may turn this activity off at any time using Google’s activity. Go here for more instructions.
Toscana Studio and Gallery will collect and use your personal information for five reasons:
1. In order to process your payment for your art class, art submission, or art item purchase. Once the payment has been processed, the payment information is deleted. We do not keep your credit card information on file.
2. In order to contact you to come and pick up items from an art show, a student, or because of a medical question or issue at the studio.
3. In order to track how many people are registered for a particular class; that the student has attended; any special instructions you’ve noted; to register you as you requested for the next session of an ongoing class; and in case we need to contact you about a class cancellation or scheduling change. Once the class is over, your e-mail address will be added to our newsletter (you may unsubscribe at any time) and your personal information is deleted. We will never disclose your personal information without your consent.
4. We pay attention to where you live, your child’s age and school, and how you found out about us, and use that information to make Toscana’s advertising more efficient. We associate no names nor any other personal information; it is a tally. Once we have our results, the replies are removed from our systems.
5. We look at how our viewers and customers found our website, what the most-used pages and tags are, what types of searches were used, and how long people stayed on a page. We adjust our website’s tags and SEO approaches for better browser search placement based upon those statistics, but personal information is not collected.
While we take photos in our art classes, those images are used only to promote Toscana Studio and Gallery. Your permission is required regarding photos of minors. If permission is denied, photos of those minors will not be used.
Consent to Privacy Policy
By accessing our website to obtain information or services; by providing solicited or unsolicited personal information to us online, or through other means, you are consenting to our use of such information, subject to applicable laws, and agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Definition of Personal Information
We define the term “personal information” to mean any information that we use to identify a specific person. This is name, address, phone number, e-mail address, child’s name, child’s age, child’s school, any special instructions, or other online registration information; a financial account or credit card number, and transaction information or purchase history, when associated with a person’s name. This policy does not restrict or limit our collection. We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties.
We use various physical, electronic, and procedural measures designed to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. We use strong encryption when transmitting your sensitive personal information. However, because no data security systems are completely secure, we do not warrant that any personal information that you provide to us will be secure or safe from unauthorized access. If you provide personal information to us, you do so at your own risk.
With Your Consent
You may give your consent in several ways, such as through a written agreement that you sign or acknowledge; an online method, such as a “click through” agreement or registration page; an oral statement, such as by way of an interactive voice response; or through the terms and conditions under which we provide you a particular product, or class. Sometimes your consent may be implicit. For example, if you purchase art with a credit card and have it shipped to your home, you implicitly consent to the disclosure of your name and address to a third-party shipping company to complete the delivery, and of your credit card number to the credit card processor to authorize the transaction and to the bank to collect payment.
Legal Process
We may disclose your personal information to legal or government regulatory authorities in response to their requests for such information or to assist in investigations of theft, fraud or abuse. We may also disclose your personal information to third parties in connection with claims, disputes or litigation, when required by law, or if we determine its disclosure is necessary in an emergency.
Privacy Policy Changes
As Toscana Studio and Gallery continues to process more electronically, and adapt our advertising accordingly, item three of this privacy policy is likely to adapt, but we will not disclose your personal information. Any policy changes will be posted on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice.
Any privacy concerns should be directed to linda@toscanastudioandgallery.com or by going here; we take all privacy concerns very seriously and will respond appropriately and quickly. Our customers are our first priority.
Any privacy questions may be directed to:
Attn Linda Ahearn
Toscana Studio and Gallery
9040 N Oracle Rd
Oro Valley AZ 85704
(520) 575-1445
E-mail should be sent to Linda@ToscanaStudioandGallery.com
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