Toscana Studio and Gallery Art Classes Tucson & Oro Valley AZ

Fine Art and Art Classes for Kids and Adults

Art Workshops and Classes Waiting List

Waiting List

Thank you for your interest in our Workshops and Art Classes!

We’re happy to see you here, and hope you can attend a future session.

Please use the form below to add yourself to Toscana’s waiting list.

If you have any questions, please call Linda at 520-575-1445 or send her an e-mail by clicking the button.

We'll contact you as soon as we have it scheduled. Thank you.

Waiting List
* indicates required field

If this is for the Ongoing Oil Painting class

If this is for the Kids After School Ongoing art class

For the Ongoing Classes, Adult or Kids', we will call you at the number below.

Thank you for your interest in our Summer Camps for Kids!

We’re happy to see you here, and hope your child(ren) can attend a session.

Please use the form below to add your child(ren)  to Toscana’s Summer Camp waiting list.

If you have any questions, please call Linda at 520-575-1445 or send her an e-mail by clicking the button.

We'll contact you as soon as we have an opening. Thank you.

Summer Camp Wait List
* indicates required field

We will call you at the number below